Author Archives: Rasmus Rokka



The first Customer order, including also an option for further deliveries, for SISU GTP has been received. The order, made by an European private company operating in Security and Defence business, calls for a station wagon type configuration in which the spacious 5-door cab shall be adapted for providing the transported personnel a silent and convenient environment not commonly available in armoured off-road vehicles.


The key feature of SISU GTP is modularity. The design of the crew body can be adapted to match with the task specific requirements. In addition, the crew bodies are interchangeable, thus the operational role of the vehicle can be altered quickly by simply changing the crew body. The solution gives unlimited possibilities for configuration changes, and updates. Armouring level, equipment and accessories can vary, and be altered, practically with no limits. The solution of separate Backbone and Crew Body structures creates also exceptionally comfortable and noiseless environment for the crew


The recent order demonstrates that the SISU GTP suits perfectly for various roles, and the areas of application are not only in field of law enforcement and defence. The sturdy structure, protection and off-road capabilities are necessary whenever and wherever compromised performance is not an option.


The main vehicle technology of SISU GTP series (engine, transmission, electrical system, driver interface) is similar as in various Mercedes-Benz vehicles, thus the life cycle costs are economical, and the services can be taken care of by the same method as Mercedes-Benz trucks. The service network for Mercedes-Benz vehicles is widely available in both global and local scale, securing the availability of spares and services in due time.

Additional information and photos HERE
Managing Director, Petri Kananen, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, tel. +358 50 468 1232
Vice President, Export, Jyri Ahonen, Oy SIsu Auto Ab, tel. +358 50 380 5386

SISU GTP 4×4 – More Power

SISU GTP 4×4 – More Power

The SISU GTP series was recently introduced in connection with a motor show in Riga, Latvia. Soon after the introduction, the APC variant of SISU GTP 4×4 participated successfully in comparative trials arranged by Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, in which the SISU GTP 4×4 qualified as the winner among the international competitors. Now, the SISU GTP is even more powerful thanks to an engine and transmission update. The new Mercedes-Benz OM926 engine and Allison automatic transmission together provide the SISU GTP with the power and torque that are essential in the wide range of operational tasks that the vehicle is intended for.

Technology co-operation with world’s leading manufacturer, Daimler AG, is of an essence in specification of the SISU GTP. The main vehicle technology of SISU GTP series (engine, transmission, electrical system, driver interface) is similar as in various Mercedes-Benz vehicles, thus the life cycle costs are economical, and the services can be taken care of by the same method as Mercedes-Benz trucks. Also, as these Mercedes-Benz vehicles are in operational use in numerous countries, the security of supply is available in both global and local scale. Furthermore, the manufacturing in series is efficient due to the wide use of mass produced components and technologies.


The new General Purpose variant utilises the same updated Backbone structure as the APC variant, and these Crew Bodies, i.e. the General Purpose body and the APC body, are interchangeable. Separate Backbone and Crew Body structures result in unmatched versatility, enabling numerous variants for different operational uses, as well as easy maintainability even in field conditions. The solution of separate Backbone and Crew Body structures creates also exceptionally comfortable and noiseless environment for the crew. Interchangeable components and maintainability are also important factors in Life Cycle Support economy.


The new power train provides SISU GTP with more than 300 hp of power. Together with independent suspension system and differential locks in each wheel, it gives SISU GTP the mobility necessary beyond the paved roads, in severe off-road terrain, whatever the operational environment might be. Payload of the vehicle in off-road conditions is, subject to the chosen protection level, up to 5000 kg. SISU GTP can be shipped by air (C-130 ready), land and sea, being ready on arrival.


Modular vehicle structure allows operational-specific protection solutions: Protection level can be increased with an additional add-on kit or replacement components as necessary, also in field conditions. The vehicle is designed to carry chosen weapon systems for self-defence. The protection system for increased survivability is responding not only for today’s missions, but also to the future requirements of asymmetric nature.

Photos of the new SISU GTP 4×4 General Purpose variant can be found HERE

Additional information

Managing Director, Petri Kananen, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, tel. +358 50 468 1232
Vice President, Export, Jyri Ahonen, Oy SIsu Auto Ab, tel. +358 50 380 5386



SISU GTP covers a wide spectrum of operational roles. The versatility of the vehicle is based on a highly modular structure, which enables numerous variants for different operational uses, all using the same backbone structure. For example, the General Purpose body for 2+2 or 2+3 crew, and the APC body for 2+8 crew are interchangeable quickly even in field conditions. The feature applies naturally to all other body configurations, too. Interchangeable components and vehicles easy maintainability are important factors also for the Life Cycle Support economy.


Height 2550 mm Engine 6-cylinder, 4 stroke diesel
Width 2500 mm Transmission 6-speed automatic
Length 6000 mm Power to weight 22 hp/metric ton
Gross weight 14000 kg Axles Independent suspension
lockable differentials
Payload (up to) 5000 kg Wheels 365/85 R20 or 395/85 R20
Max axle load 7000 kg Brakes Pneumatic disc-brakes equipped with ABS
Wheelbase 3800 mm PERFORMANCE
400 mm Max speed ≥ 100 km/h
Seating 2+8 (squad)
2+2 / 2+3 (recon)
2 (utility, single cab)
Range over 700 km
CTIS Optional Approach angle 45°
Climate control Compressor driven
Departure angle 45°
Electrical 24 V system Stability tilt 37°
CREW PROTECTION Fording depth 850 mm
Mine blast Stanag 4569 Climbing 60%
Stanag 4569
upgradeable with
respective add-on
protection kit
EFP / RPG Add-on kit
CBRN protection Add-on options

Values shown in tables may vary between vehicle variants.


Sisu Auto’s truck production is growing, and customer services are developing

Distribution of genuine SISU spare parts to TAVO Oy

Oy Sisu Auto Ab and TAVO Oy have entered into an agreement under which TAVO Oy will be responsible for the distribution of genuine SISU spare parts as of 9 September 2019, in order to develop customer services and spare parts availability.

– “The continued growth of Sisu Auto’s truck production and market share over the years have resulted in increasing flow of services and spare parts, providing even better opportunities to develop the spare parts services for the SISU service network,” says Petri Kananen, CEO of Oy Sisu Auto Ab.

TAVO Oy (Tampere Autovaraosa) is a rapidly growing, fast-moving, family-owned company specialising in the import, wholesale and retail of heavy equipment spare parts. TAVO Oy employs over 60 professionals in its offices in Tampere, Seinäjoki, Vaasa and Oulu.

– “TAVO already has a long and strong experience of SISU spare parts and SISU customer services, which creates the basis for developing high-quality service, matching with the SISU brand,” says Tapio Korpinen, CEO of TAVO Oy.

In Finland, the SISU after-sales network will comprise of TAVO Oy, which is responsible for spare parts distribution operations, and Oy Sisu Auto Ab’s authorized repair shops such as Veho Oy Ab, Raskone Oy, E.Hartikainen Oy, Askolan Auto- ja Konekorjaamo Oy, Merilapin Autohohuolto Oy, KM Huoltopalvelut Oy, Jaresko Oy and Karjalan yhdistelmäjarrut Oy.

Additional Information
CEO Petri Kananen, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, tel. 050 468 1232
After Sales Manager Tomi Ruoppa, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, tel. 050 468 1118

CEO Tapio Korpinen, TAVO Oy, tel. 040 057 5468
Sales Manager Marko Äikäs, TAVO Oy, tel. 050 313 7447

SISU tipper- and road maintenance trucks featured at MAXPO 2019 exhibition

SISU tipper- and road maintenance trucks featured at MAXPO 2019 exhibition at Hyvinkää Airfield, 5.9.-7.9.

Once again, we join the action. Come check out the robust SISU HD -tipping equipment and other advanced solutions of the SISU Polar -range. Our SISU Polar team will be happy to tell you more on the spot.

MAXPO Special Exhibition of Construction and Environmental Machinery will be held from 5th to 7th September at Hyvinkää airport. MAXPO showcases civil engineering-, environmental-, road- and building construction and industrial material handling machines in all sizes. The event is held every other year.

In 2017, the event was attended by 15,500 professionals and a record 280 companies attended. The MAXPO Fair is organized by Messukeskus at the assignment of Näyttely-yhdistys ry.

Opening hours
Thu 5.9. klo 9-17
Fri 6.9. klo 9-17
Sat 7.9. klo 9-16

Let´s meet at the department A151!

For more information:


TRANSPORT-LOGISTICS 2019 – Fair feelings

TRANSPORT LOGISTICS 2019 – Fair feelings

During Transport-Logistics 2019 fair in Helsinki, there was plenty of visitors and lively discussions at our stands, so we can happily conclude that the event was a success for us. A total of 15,474 visitors visited the fair this year.

At our stand on display was a comprehensive range of Sisu Polar product family as well as special vehicles such as SISU ETI-10×10 platform designed for heavy payloads in off-road use, SISU Polar Super 10×6 for the mining industry, SISU Polar Timber Hybrid -timber truck, SISU Polar Crane 8×8 crane truck with rail wheel equipment and a SISU Polar 8×4 recovery truck with rotating crane.

We would like to thank all visitors, partners, current and future customers. You made Transport-Logistics 2019 an unforgettable event.


SISU Specialties at Transport-Logistics 2019, 9.-11 May



Oy Sisu Auto Ab’s specialties on display at Kuljetus-Logistiikka 2019 exhibition

Sisu Auto brings a wide range of products and excellence, such as the latest hybrid technology, special vehicles and related technical solutions, to the Transport-Logistics 2019 exhibition in Helsinki, 9.-11.5.2019. The expanding product range, growing market share and export-oriented strategy are featured at our exhibition stands.


The impressive trucks of the SISU Polar series, designed for earth moving and timber transports, can be found at our indoor stand 6D20. 


Our outdoor stand UP5 is dedicated for special vehicles, such as a heavy SISU recovery truck and an all-wheel driven SISU 8×8 crane truck, adapted to railway work.

SISU Polar Super 10×6 mining truck at display for the first time

Especially tough SISU Polar Super series, intended for transporting heavy payloads in mining industry, is now shown for the public for the first time. We are proud to present the advanced technical solutions and awesome performance values of this vehicle. The chassis frame, axles, suspension and wheels all are more robust than the usual, making the truck which is intended for payloads of up to 45 tons, a magnificent sight. The SISU Polar Super vehicle comes with a tridem bogie in which all three axles are driven, and the last axle is a steering axle, too. The truck has an intelligent, yet simple, suspension system for levelling the distribution of weights between the axles under varying drive conditions.

Sisu Auto welcomes everyone to our exhibition stands!

Exhibition opening hours:
Thursday 9.5. klo 10-18
Friday 10.5. klo 10-18
Saturday 11.5. klo 9-16

Register to visit for free HERE

Visit exhibition website HERE

Transport-Logistics 2019 exhibition offers new information and encounters!

Transport-Logistics 2019 has all the major companies representing transportation equipment and superstructures as well as many companies exhibiting tyres, components, equipment and services. The event offers you a possibility to see all new products and services at one time under one roof as well as follow interesting and useful presentations and programme.


Sisu Auto’s strategy is export-oriented

Petri Kananen becomes the Managing Director of Oy Sisu Auto Ab

Entrepreneur Timo Korhonen, Managing Director of Oy Sisu Auto Ab since 2010, acquired the sole ownership of Sisu Auto in 2013. Reasoning for his commitment decision was based on the strong trust in the future of the Finnish vehicle industry, as well as in his will to advance excellence of domestic product development, production, and the wide network of related sub-supply chain, and business growth through exports.

Under leadership of Mr. Korhonen Sisu Auto took a new path to the future by widening company’s portfolio from the traditional truck and military vehicle businesses to special vehicles for export market, as well as to R&D services for the vehicle industry in the evolving new markets.

The ongoing development program of Sisu Auto has required vast investments especially to R&D, and to business development in general. Notable investments include the start of co-operation with the World’s leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles, Daimler AG, and the development of the totally new SISU Polar series of vehicles, widely utilizing Mercedes-Benz components sourced from Daimler, says Timo Korhonen.

Increasing market demand thanks to good quality of SISU truck products, and respectively raised production rate, increase challenge of the task. In spite of changes that have been continuously ongoing, the consolidated business result of the current decade has been kept positive. A special acknowledgement goes to, in addition to our loyal customers, to the committed and motivated personnel of Sisu Auto: Bringing SISU back on its feet has been the common goal for the personnel, and for the loyal customers that have trusted SISU truck products through the decades, Mr. Korhonen continues.

SISU Polar series grows and stabilises its position in domestic market

Well organised and persistent work for strengthening the domestic market share has resulted in good position in the segment of most demanding tasks, such as gravel transport, road maintenance and timber transport. The remarkable R&D investment to SISU Polar series has produced, for example, the world’s first parallel diesel-electric hybrid system for a heavy-duty truck.

Another result of our R&D is the economical and strong reputation of our products, which has enabled the increase in our market share. We have now reached a stage in which every second of our new deals comes from users of competing brands. A fact that creates a good basis for future growth, too, states Sales Manager Ville Kaihu, who is responsible for the domestic sales.

Demand for Military Vehicles is increased

The changed security situation in Europe and related re-evaluation of battle plans in various countries have caused increasing demand of Armoured Military Vehicles. In response, Oy Sisu Auto Ab has focused in development of new products answering to the evolving customer requirements.


Alongside to the Armoured SISU ETP series, approximately 200 units of which are already in operational use, we have brought to market a new Armoured, lighter, highly versatile and modular SISU GTP series. The new series has already at the early stages gained well deserved fame, for example, by winning the comparative tests of Latvian Army among strong international competitors, says Sisu Defence business director, Jyri Ahonen

 SISU Special Vehicles business and related new technologies are moving ahead

Especially tough SISU Polar Super series which is intended for transporting heavy payloads on hard surfaces, and respective ETI series intended for off-road environment, have exceeded the expectations in connection with the first Customer cases, boosting the further marketing and sales activities of these product ranges. The SISU’s diesel-electric Hybrid powerline will come to these Special Vehicles in near future as a further developed, fully electric variant, reveals Sisu Auto’s Design Manager, Olli Leinonen.



SISU’s R&D services for evolving new markets are productive

SISU Engineering, the R&D services business of Sisu Auto, has already completed several delivery projects, e.g. to Chinese vehicle manufacturers JAC and BAIC. Ongoing expansion of the SISU Engineering business, as well as strengthening of co-operation with the existing Customers, and earning the trust of new Customers, are part of Sisu Auto’s long term plan, aiming to establish the R&D services business as an integral part of Sisu Auto’s business operations.

Investing in the export business is causing new share of responsibilities among the management

Timo Korhonen has steered the company to growth path, founded on the established market position in domestic market. From now on Korhonen shall, as the Group Managing Director and Chairman of the Board, concentrate on the next phase of the company’s long-term plan, in expanding the export business.

M.Sc Petri Kananen, who has been responsible for the SISU Polar business since 2017, has been nominated as the new Managing Director of Oy Sisu Auto Ab from 16.4.2019 onwards. Mr. Kananen’s new task is to be in charge of the operative management of the company, to develop the business further, and together with the group management to launch the strategic expansion campaign towards export market.

Our co-operation for several years in managing the company has convinced me of Petri’s capabilities and persistence. Therefore, I believe that Sisu Auto has great changes to continue to develop further under his management. We shall co-operate closely in future in order to rapidly boost company’s export business, Mr. Korhonen finishes.

It is a honour to become a leader of such a famous and important company, and to engage in writing the company’s future. I have had a chance to be part of the company, it’s development and growth, and related challenges almost through the whole 2010’s. Continuation of this positive development, and the progress of our company, as well as of the whole domestic vehicle industry, is an obligation for which I will do all I can, says Petri Kananen.

Export business and the consequent growth shall be a great challenge which shall require a lot also from our Partners, Suppliers, Personnel, Management and Board of the company. Implementing the changes at the same time managing and developing the already established market position shall be our key tasks, Mr. Kananen states.

Petri Kananen (32) is an experienced expert in vehicle industry

At first in 2011, Petri Kananen did his thesis with Sisu Auto, and thereafter has worked in various positions in the company. He has been a designer in the R&D office, a SISU Polar product manager, a sales manager, and since autumn 2017 the SISU Polar business director.

Through the time of SISU Polar series, in addition to development and advancing of the products, as well as the work related to establishing the market position, Mr. Kananen has had a significant role in development and marketing of the SISU Polar Super series of vehicles. Thereby, he has got a diverse and focused insight of the market position of our products, together with a strong view of the company’s direction to the future.

Photos of Timo Korhonen, Petri Kananen and SISU truck products can be found HERE

Additional information

Chairman, Timo Korhonen, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, tel. +358 50 439 5759

Managing Director, Petri Kananen, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, tel. +358 50 468 1232





SISU Auto at Auto 2019 Motor show in Riga, Latvia 12.-14.4.


The International Motor Show “Auto 2019”, the major, largest and most splendid automotive industry event in the Baltic countries, welcomes all car fans and industry professionals from across Europe and Scandinavian countries to its 24th edition held at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre, Riga, Latvia.

SISU Auto is presented at the show with our local dealer VV line.

On display:  SISU POLAR ROCK S,  5 -axle gravel truck

Come visit us!

Read more about the exhibition:




SISU Hybrid is designed to deliver maximum performance in daily tasks by added power and torque . What’s best, the SISU Hybrid offers all this and much more with lower fuel consumption and lower emissions.

SISU Hybrid is a parallel hybrid system, meaning diesel and electric motors can operate separately or together. The electric motor gets its power from supercapacitors, so the additional power is automatically at disposal as soon as energy is charged to the capacitors. The system recognizes when additional electrical power is needed alongside the diesel engine and automatically deploys the electric motor. More power can also be manually deployed whenever necessary with the PowerTouch  lever switch located on the gear lever. Capacitors enable fast energy storage and discharge. The electric charge is deployable without delay.

Benefits of the SISU Hybrid system include:

  • Extreme pulling power from 0 speeds enables easy start-up
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • Lesser emissions
  • Easy reversing and rocking with PowerTouch switch