Oy Sisu Auto Ab to deliver SISU Timber and SISU Hauler trucks to Rusichi Ltd a member of the Innovation LLC group of companies The supply contract between Oy Sisu Auto Ab and Rusichi Ltd includes delivery of 15 all-wheel driven SISU vehicles, as well as a comprehensive operation and service training package at Rusichi …Read more…

THE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY POWERHOUSE! SISU Hybrid is designed to deliver maximum performance in daily tasks by added power and torque . What’s best, the SISU Hybrid offers all this and much more with lower fuel consumption and lower emissions. SISU Hybrid is a parallel hybrid system, meaning diesel and electric motors can operate separately or …Read more…
SISU Polar Super truck combines the proven technology of SISU Polar product range and the special requirements set by the industry. The improved performance necessary in the challenging mine environment is based on the purpose-built and robust frame and suspension structure, as well as the task-specific Fliegl push-off body, which keeps the centre of gravity …Read more…
Factory ready SISU Hauler is the new king of the heavy haulage trucks! SISU Hauler is designed for the needs of heavy transportation in Finland. Uncompromising finish, extreme towing capacity, great payload and the best ever maneuvering ability are the words to describe SISU Hauler. Just like all the trucks of the Sisu Polar line, …Read more…
POLAR – PARHAIMMILLAAN POHJOLASSA SISU POLAR – KUORMA-AUTOMALLISTO ON SUOMESSA SUUNNITELTU JA VALMISTETTU POHJOLAN VAATIVIIN JA VAIHTELEVIIN OLOSUHTEISIIN. Autoissa yhdistyy maailman johtavien komponenttivalmistajien ja Sisu Auton erikoisosaaminen. Kehitystyön tuloksena on syntynyt kestävä ja toiminnoiltaan monikäyttöinen Polar-mallisto. POLARIN SUUNNITTELUSSA ON HUOMIOITU ASIAKKAIDEN YKSILÖLLISET TARPEET JA VAATIMUKSET. Tarkkaan harkitut ja testatut yksityiskohdat on sovitettu tuotannon eri vaiheisiin …Read more…

MOOTTORITEKNIIKKA 6 -sylinteriset suorat Mercedes-Benz moottorit vastaavat raskasliikenteen vaatimiin erikoisvaatimuksiin. Kaksi moottoria (iskutilavuudeltaan 12,8 l ja 15,6 l) ja kuusi eri teholuokkaa mahdollistavat kuhunkin käyttötarkoitukseen tehokkaimman ja taloudellisimman vaihtoehdon. Erittäin laajan vääntömomenttialueensa ansiosta liikkeellelähdöt raskaillakin kuormilla helpottuvat ja vähentävät vaihteiden vaihtotarvetta vetovoiman kestäessä pidempään, jolloin polttoaineen kulutus ja päästöt sekä voimansiirron kuluma alenevat merkittävästi Sisu …Read more…
Off Road
THE SISU POLAR OFF-ROAD RANGE OFFERS A SOLUTION FOR TRANSPORTATION IN THE HARSHEST CONDITIONS With the Sisu Polar truck equipped with unit wheels, freight will find its destination even when surfaced roads are left behind. The Sisu Polar off-road range vehicles include 14R20 unit wheels, which ensure easy handling characteristics even on the more demanding …Read more…
SISU CARRIER – AN ADVANCED, MULTI-PURPOSE CHOICE FOR MACHINE TRANSPORTATION Thanks to its advanced structure, Sisu Carrier has excellent off-road capabilities. Carrier is lightweight and has a high payload. The reinforced frame, rigid chassis and robust suspension guarantee a stable drive in all situations. A light liftable bogie or a driven bogie with a drive …Read more…
SISU ROLL IS A SEAMLESS, MULTI-PURPOSE COMBINATION OF THE VEHICLE AND A DEMOUNTABLE SUPERSTRUCTURE The demountable equipment attachments and equipment locations are taken into account in the designing stages of the Roll de-mountable platform vehicle. This results in a functional and robust outcome where the frame structure and liftable axles combined with a good turning …Read more…
SISU WORKS IS SUITABLE FOR MULTI-PURPOSE USE AND ENABLES CONFIDENT ROAD MAINTENANCE When it comes to hydraulics and its control system, the factory ready Works is one of the most versatile on the market. When planning operations, we have focused on the controls which enable the driver to concentrate on the actual driving instead of …Read more…