The annual registration figure for Sisu Polar products in Finland, 122 vehicles, shows growth of 13% from the previous year. The increase in sales figures is even greater, resulting in record high order backlog and respectively raised production volumes for Sisu Polar truck products, giving a positive forecast for 2019.
“Our investment in the product quality and product features respond well to the increasing transported volumes, strengthening our position in the most demanding transport tasks. Sales of Sisu Polar logging trucks tripled during last year, and our market share in earth moving trucks continued growing” says Sisu Polar business director, Mr. Petri Kananen.
Within 2018, Sisu Auto brought also heavy hybrid trucks to sales and manufacturing program.
”The great interest in the market, the ongoing discussions of the carbon neutral Europe, the orders received for Sisu Hybrid trucks, as well as the feedback from Customers, all strengthen our view of having chosen the right direction” Petri Kananen states.
During this year, Sisu Auto shall keep on strengthening it’s position in logging trucks and in earth moving trucks. The strong position in domestic market enables focusing in development of the export sales, in which Sisu Auto has recently made significant approaches towards Russian markets, for instance.
Additional information
Sisu Polar business director, Petri Kananen, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, puh. +358 50 468 1232
Product Manager Ville Kaihu, Oy Sisu Auto Ab, puh. +358 50 468 1044